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Advantages with the Solar

The abundant sun’s rays offer unlimited sources of energy that do not destroy the landscape or harm the ozone layer. The advantages of solar energy are:
  • Solar energy is pollution-free and emits no greenhouse gases after installation.
  • Solar energy reduces dependency on foreign oil and fossil fuels.
  • Provides renewable, clean energy, which is available every day of the year.
  • Helps the economy by creating jobs for solar panel manufacturers and solar installers.
  • Solar is more affordable and accessible, and efficiency is always improving.
  • Saves on the current utility bill and qualifies for the Tax savings area.
  • It has low maintenance costs and is always safer than traditional electric current.
  • Conserves non-renewable energy sources and protects the environment.
  • Sun Rays are abundant; hence solar energy is an inexhaustible source of energy.
  • Solar cells are long-lasting, and people can use them in remote locations.
  • Ability to live grid free if the power generated provides enough for the home or commercial purposes.
  • Uses batteries to store extra power to use at night, and people can sell excess energy back to the power company.
  • Reduces energy consumption and decreases the carbon footprint.
  • It is reliable and eco-friendly.
  • Solar energy is clean, silent, limitless, and free and it can be trapped easily.
  • Different applications use solar energy to heat water, power homes, and buildings, even power cars.

The solar companies in Kolkata have successfully started to harness the solar power and have aimed to reduce the carbon emission by keeping the environment pollution free.